Day One - Worship & English Camp Begins!
The Team Arrived – Finally!
From Pastor Lee:
As our missionary leader Ben Hornback says, If the motto of the Marines is Semper Fi (Always Faithful) the motto of a mission team must be Semper Gumbi (always like the flexible character Gumbi). Our flight and travel changes taught us that quickly! I am so pleased by how the team adjusted and adapted - particularly the ones who arrived Sunday evening and went right to work on Monday morning. The only regret that I have is that not everyone was able to attend worship at Holy Trinity Presbyterian. We had a wonderful service and were able to receive communion with our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. There is something incredibly moving in such times. In them we get glimpses of the glories of eternity when people from every tongue, tribe, and nation are gathered around the throne of the Lamb in perpetual praise!
Vlogging – Blogging with Videos!
The team has decided to add a personal touch, and record some "vlog" posts for us. Please enjoy these as you continue to pray for their work and efforts!