Activities and Events
Sunday School
Join us before Worship and attend one of our Sunday School offerings where we are able to learn and reflect together on the Bible or teachings of our Reformed faith. Click Here to get details about our classes.
HARP has a traditional choir that aids us in worship most Sundays. There is also a handbell choir that performs a few times during the year. Practices for the choir and the handbell choir are held on Sunday nights.
Children practice on Wednesday nights for children’s choir which performs a few times during the year.
Men’s Fellowship
The men of HARP meet every Second and Fourth Tuesday mornings at 7:00 a.m. for breakfast and Bible Study at Bob Evan’s in Huntersville.
Many First and Third Tuesdays men will meet at 7PM at someone’s home for or local venue, which rotates and is announced prior to each meeting.
Young Adult Small Group
Every Monday Night our young adult singles and couples meet in the HARP fellowship hall to fellowship and study God’s Word.
Wednesday Dinner and Study
On Wednesday evenings during the school year we enjoy a meal in our Fellowship Hall followed by time of prayer and teaching series.
Annual Chili / BBQ Fundraisers
To raise funds for our various mission ministries we have several cookoffs throughout the year.
Women’s Circles
We a women’s circle that meets at various times for food, fellowship, and growing in faith.
Women’s Bible Studies
Tuesday mornings at HARP during the school year the ladies host a Bible Study in the HARP fellowship hall.
Ladies’ Annual Beach Retreat
Each year in November the ladies enjoy a long weekend at one of our many beaches for rest, renewal, and study.
Vacation Bible School
In the Summer we host a week-long Vacation Bible School with various themes. Check back each Summer for details on this year’s offering.
J.O.Y. Club
Just Older Youth (JOY) is our 65+ fellowship group that meets for fellowship and various recreational activities each month.
HARP is in no small way passionate about missions both local and international and have opportunities for those who wish to serve in seeing Christ shared with others.
From Africa, to Mexico, to Europe, the Middle East and Pakistan, HARP has been blessed through the years both “sending and going” to spread or enable the spread of the Gospel to the nations.
Locally, we are involved in meal ministries, pregnancy care, visitations of shut-ins, and care for our widows and orphans.