We're Going to Kyiv—Again!
We are excited to announce that we will be returning to Kyiv, Ukraine this summer for another short term mission trip! Through the longtime mission work of our own Joyce Layton, we were given the opportunity to connect with our brothers and sisters in Christ at the Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church in Kyiv. Joyce and Jordana both attend HTC and are still working with them part-time.Our church has once again been given the opportunity to build up the Christian network in Ukraine. We will be working with Joyce and Jordana in their mercy ministries and assisting Pastor Ivan and Ben in their outreach through HTC. In addition to providing our conversational English camp again, we will also be hosting a sports camp for the youth.
Our prayer is that HTC and the other members of the Evangelical Presbyterian Churches in Ukraine (EPCU) will be able to reach Kyiv and the rest of Ukraine for Christ.
We are happy to announce that with the personal contributions and commitments of all our team members, and the generous gifts of friends and personal networks outside the congregation, and the wonderful support of our wonderful congregation, we have now fully funded the Ukraine mission team! We give thanks to our Lord for his abundant mercy and grace!
While are are overjoyed to be fully funded, we ask that you would please be in continued prayer for our church family, our Team, Holy Trinity Presbyterian Church, and the people of Kyiv! Over the next week, in preparation for the trip, please come back each day for a daily prayer guide. In these guides, we will highlight our team members and their responsibilities in Kyiv.
Soli Deo Gloria!